If you have a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life. That's true. You will only be doing what you love instead of working. If you haven't found what you love yet, don't settle. Keep looking because it's right there somewhere.
Some people wake up and grudgingly go into offices they don't like, to work with colleagues they hate, and do jobs they don't love. When you dislike your space and what you are doing, it's bound to get in your way and you cannot produce satisfactory work.
It affects your mental health gradually. You may become stressed, have trouble sleeping, and end up depressed. That's because you are constantly in an environment that your whole being resists being in.
Sometimes people may remain in jobs they hate because of the pay they get. The jobs help them pay their bills and save some for a rainy day. However, if this is you, you may have to do something about it in the long run.
Figure out if it's the job you hate, your colleagues, or your boss to learn how to navigate your days while there. Remember to reward yourself for the little wins. When you do something fantastic or complete a milestone, reward yourself because it motivates you to complete the next one.
Always keep your work at work. Avoid carrying your work back home or telling work stories at home. Leave everything work-related in the office and enjoy your free time.
You should also plan your exit. Don't just wake up one day and say that you are tired and done. Start looking for another opportunity while still on the job to make your exit smooth for you and those depending on you. Here are job quotes to motivate and give you insight about work.