Del: What? Neal: You know goddamn well what! Del: I'm sorry I don't. Neal: I had over 700 dollars in here. Del: I didn't touch your dough Neal. I'm a lot of things but I'm not a thief. Neal: Well you went into my stuff last night right? Del: I didn't take your money! and I don't care for the accusation. Neal: Well I had over 700 dollars in here and you went into my wallet for pizza. Just maybe when you went into my stuff you had to... Del: Count it! Neal: Oh like you keep it in there if you stole it. Del: There's 263 dollars in there. If there's a dollar more then you can call me a thief. Just count it. Neal: Empty. Del: WHAT? We were robbed! Neal: Do you think so?

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Del: What?
Neal: You know goddamn well what!
Del: I'm sorry I don't.
Neal: I had over 700 dollars in here.
Del: I didn't touch your dough Neal. I'm a lot of things but I'm not a thief.
Neal: Well you went into my stuff last night right?
Del: I didn't take your money! and I don't care for the accusation.
Neal: Well I had over 700 dollars in here and you went into my wallet for pizza. Just maybe when you went into my stuff you had to...
Del: Count it!
Neal: Oh like you keep it in there if you stole it.
Del: There's 263 dollars in there. If there's a dollar more then you can call me a thief. Just count it.
Neal: Empty.
Del: WHAT? We were robbed!
Neal: Do you think so?

Planes, Trains & Automobiles

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