To ask them to legalize pot is something like asking them to put butter on the handcuffs before they place them on you: something else is hurting you — that's why you need pot, or whiskey, or whips and rubber suits, or screaming music turned so fucking loud you can't think. Or madhouses or mechanical cunts or 162 baseball games in a season. Or Vietnam or Israel or the fear of spiders.

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To ask them to legalize pot is something like asking them to put butter on the handcuffs before they place them on you: something else is hurting you — that's why you need pot, or whiskey, or whips and rubber suits, or screaming music turned so fucking loud you can't think. Or madhouses or mechanical cunts or 162 baseball games in a season. Or Vietnam or Israel or the fear of spiders.

Tales of Ordinary Madness

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