In night... in night is when my mind is a flutter, and the world ablaze. In night I see you, subtle, yet sure wrinkles in your smile and the echoes of your laugh. In night my mind tries to forget, but it is still there branded as etchings. In night my heart is set a fire thrashing to and fro from distant lands and seas. You were a sailor but your anchor was no match for the wild waves and so you floated, but quickly sank. And in night I write about a hundred moons and a hundred deaths. But they are all you. For you are the sky and the wild seas. And in night, I think, I will sail across your shore once again and once more.

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In night...
in night is when my mind is a flutter, and the world ablaze.
In night I see you, subtle, yet sure wrinkles in your smile and the echoes of your laugh.

In night
my mind tries to forget, but it is still there branded as etchings.

In night
my heart is set a fire thrashing to and fro from distant lands and seas.

You were a sailor but your anchor was no match for the wild waves and so you floated, but quickly sank.

And in night I write about a hundred moons and a hundred deaths. But they are all you.
For you are the sky and the wild seas.
And in night, I think, I will sail across your shore once again and once more.

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