62 Mother And Son Quotes That Celebrate This Special Bond

Mother and Son

A mother and son relationship is one of the most tender relationships ever. It's gentle, nurturing, and helps form a strong bond between the two.

A mother sharing this kind of relationship with their son helps them to grow up being attuned with their emotions. They foster emotional intelligence which helps them express their own feelings and understand other people's feelings too.

Mothers tend to be good listeners and soft towards their sons. This in turn offers a healthy growing environment for the son. The son grows up knowing how to communicate and treat others better.

If you have a beautiful mother son relationship, then you know just how special and deep it is. Here are some lovely quotes to make your day or send to someone to make theirs extra special.

Mother and Son Quotes

Be strong out there, my son. Look for the love and kindness in others. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes and enjoy the journey.

Be strong out there, my son. Look for the love and kindness in others. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes and enjoy the journey.

The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime. The bond between mother and son is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is the purest love, unconditional and true. It is understanding of any situation and forgiving of any mistake.

The bond between mother and son lasts a lifetime. The bond between mother and son is a special one. It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is the purest love, unconditional and true. It is understanding of any situation and forgiving of any mistake.

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My mother carried me for ten months. I asked her ‘Mother, you had an extra month, why you didn’t make me a beautiful face?’ and mother told me, ‘My son, I was busy making your beautiful hands and heart.’

My mother carried me for ten months. I asked her ‘Mother, you had an extra month, why you didn’t make me a beautiful face?’ and mother told me, ‘My son, I was busy making your beautiful hands and heart.’

My father died when I was seven, leaving a widow and five sons, ranging in age from five to seventeen. My mother was the most highly disciplined and hardest working person I have ever known, and this, combined with her love and gentleness, enabled her to make a success of each of her children.

My father died when I was seven, leaving a widow and five sons, ranging in age from five to seventeen. My mother was the most highly disciplined and hardest working person I have ever known, and this, combined with her love and gentleness, enabled her to make a success of each of her children.

If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.

If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.

If you try singling me out to my mother, she’ll be down your throat. She has three sons, and she’s equally proud of us all.

If you try singling me out to my mother, she’ll be down your throat. She has three sons, and she’s equally proud of us all.

My mother was the one constant thing in my life. When I think about my mom raising me alone when she was 20, and working and paying the bills, and, you know, trying to pursue your own dreams, I think is a feat that is unmatched.

My mother was the one constant thing in my life. When I think about my mom raising me alone when she was 20, and working and paying the bills, and, you know, trying to pursue your own dreams, I think is a feat that is unmatched.

As mothers raising sons, we have the power to change the trajectory of not only our own sons’ lives, but also of the culture at large.

As mothers raising sons, we have the power to change the trajectory of not only our own sons’ lives, but also of the culture at large.

They used to say, 'Oh, he’s just his mother’s son,' as a way of dismissing me. And every time I’d say, 'Oh, yes, thank you! I’m so proud of that.'

They used to say, ‘Oh, he’s just his mother’s son,’ as a way of dismissing me. And every time I’d say, ‘Oh, yes, thank you! I’m so proud of that.’

And of course, as a son I would say this, she was the best mum in the world. She smothered us with love, that's for sure.

And of course, as a son I would say this, she was the best mum in the world. She smothered us with love, that’s for sure.

To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to care for the earth, raise them to be kind, compassionate and honest. If you do these things you are raising a leader - someone that will affect the lives of countless people with their morality. Their future wife and children will thank you, but most of all Heavenly Father... for anyone can raise a son, but only a faithful Daughter of God can raise a warrior.

To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to care for the earth, raise them to be kind, compassionate and honest. If you do these things you are raising a leader – someone that will affect the lives of countless people with their morality. Their future wife and children will thank you, but most of all Heavenly Father… for anyone can raise a son, but only a faithful Daughter of God can raise a warrior.

My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.

My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is the belief that the ability to achieve starts in your mind.

A mother's love doesn't make her son more dependent and timid; it actually makes him stronger and more independent.

A mother’s love doesn’t make her son more dependent and timid; it actually makes him stronger and more independent.

My mother never gave up on me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.

My mother never gave up on me. I messed up in school so much they were sending me home, but my mother sent me right back.

Having a child makes you realize the importance of life - narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I'd be fine.

Having a child makes you realize the importance of life – narcissism goes out the window. Heaven on earth is looking at my little boy. The minute he was born, I knew if I never did anything other than being a mom, I’d be fine.

Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.

Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.

Raising boys has made me a more generous woman than I really am. Undoubtedly, there are other routes to learning the wishes and dreams of the presumably opposite sex, but I know of none more direct, or more highly motivating, than being the mother of sons.

Raising boys has made me a more generous woman than I really am. Undoubtedly, there are other routes to learning the wishes and dreams of the presumably opposite sex, but I know of none more direct, or more highly motivating, than being the mother of sons.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.

My mother was the making of me. She was so true and so sure of me, I felt that I had someone to live for - someone I must not disappoint. The memory of my mother will always be a blessing to me.

My mother was the making of me. She was so true and so sure of me, I felt that I had someone to live for – someone I must not disappoint. The memory of my mother will always be a blessing to me.

I am a boy mom, and I keep my eyes on the goal: raising the boy I love into a man who will make this world a better place.

I am a boy mom, and I keep my eyes on the goal: raising the boy I love into a man who will make this world a better place.

I want my son to become aware that he is in charge of the choices he makes, and it’s good to make thoughtful, good choices.

I want my son to become aware that he is in charge of the choices he makes, and it’s good to make thoughtful, good choices.

Yet now in my arms, I was holding a helpless baby boy who would grow into a man — I cannot imagine that soft little face one day having whiskers.

Yet now in my arms, I was holding a helpless baby boy who would grow into a man — I cannot imagine that soft little face one day having whiskers.

Twenty years on I still feel the love she gave us and that is testament to her massive heart and her amazing ability to be a great mother.

Twenty years on I still feel the love she gave us and that is testament to her massive heart and her amazing ability to be a great mother.

Of course, my son has been the center of my life and will always be the center of my love. When he was young, I was the rock in his life. Now that I am old, he is the rock in my life.

Of course, my son has been the center of my life and will always be the center of my love. When he was young, I was the rock in his life. Now that I am old, he is the rock in my life.

Even more than the time when she gave birth, a mother feels her greatest joy when she hears others refer to her son as a wise learned one.

Even more than the time when she gave birth, a mother feels her greatest joy when she hears others refer to her son as a wise learned one.

About the contents of this page

Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

Schenley designed exclusive images for the quotes.

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