Did you know that there is someone somewhere who slept last night with high hopes of waking up today but they simply didn't? They never made it and weren't able to see this day.
But you were privileged enough to wake up and experience this new day. Do you ever wonder what makes you so special to keep waking up day after day while countless people don't make it each passing day?
You need to always remember that life is precious. Life is a coveted gift. You have a big gift within you which you should not be wasting. Someone somewhere is fighting for their life right now. Let these heartwarming God is good quotes remind you of the goodness of life.
Someone is praying and saying that if they make it past what they are going through they will do something about it. But you are here, whole and full of life. What are you doing with it? Discover the purpose of your life through these meaningful quotes on God's plan.
Some people die young. Some people die with big dreams and before accomplishing goals that were important to them. They leave behind people they love and things they treasure.
Life is precious. Start treating it as such. Stop wasting your life away. Stop complaining about the things you don't have and spending days wishing you had someone else's life.
Live your own. Make yours the way you want it to be. Work hard for the things you want in your life. Laugh and smile more. Don't regret the mistakes you have made or the opportunities you lost.
If it wasn't meant to be it was never going to be. Believe it or not, you are yet to experience your hardest laughter, your best day, and your deepest love.
Live each day to the fullest, give it your all, and watch your life become a dream come true. Here are life is precious quotes, captions, and sayings to motivate you any day! And, remember to practice gratitude by sharing these quotes for Thankful Thursdays with your loved ones.