The truth is that everyone wants to win, but not everyone wants to put in the work required to win. Winning looks good. It means being able to get all those things you've always wished for, go to all those places you've only dreamed of visiting and to say you made it.
Winning is simply living your dreams. But you don't just wake up there. It doesn't take a day to build a big city like Rome. It takes time, and sometimes it takes a lot of time. And not just time because you cannot sit and say that you'll wait it out for five years then wake up a winner.
Winning requires hard work, persistence, and patience. You need that clear goal first, which shows you where exactly you want to go. Then you lay out the steps you will take to see yourself there. A plan is always necessary if you want to win.
If you don't have a plan, you already plan to fail. You need a strategy that clearly outlines everything for you and what you need to do. This keeps you focused and gets you moving because you know that at a particular time you should be doing this or that to attain this.
You will have times when giving up feels easier than keeping up with the journey. Some days will be so tough that you won't see the point of your goals anymore, and success will seem unattainable. But it is on those days that you should remind yourself of how good winning feels.
Think of all the reasons why winning is important to you, and you will be motivated to keep pushing. Our winning quotes will give you the motivation you need to overcome any thoughts of giving up. Don't let yourself down. You were born to win!