18 Best Wheels Quotes That Will Give Your Day A Full Spin

The wheel is one of the best inventions we have had. However, unlike things like the light bulb or the telephone that have a specific inventor or inventors, there is no one person credited for inventing the wheel.

The earliest wheels are said to have been invented in Mesopotamia about 5,500 years ago. Although wheels are mainly used for transportation, they are also used to spin thread and generate things like wind and hydroelectric power.

A wheel can turn slowly, but eventually, it will still turn. And life is majorly like a wheel. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. You will have your happy, bountiful days and then you will encounter days of sadness and loss.

And there's a popular saying that goes; ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease.' This means that the loudest problems in life get attention first.

If something is pressing you the most, you will tend to look into it first before dealing with lesser problems. This is always the ideal way of solving problems. If you don't take care of the bigger ones first, they may bring bigger issues to you later.

So whichever point you are at in life, whether at the top of the wheel or the bottom, take it in stride. If you are at the top, enjoy it. Be happy with where you are because you deserve it.

If you are still struggling at the bottom and being dragged in the mud, don't lose hope. Your time will come and the wheel will get you back up. You will rise again. Hold on and don't let go.

Here are wheels quotes for you. Whether you own a bicycle, cart, motorbike, car, jeep, truck, or any other form of transportation with wheels, you will certainly find a quote, or two, that resonates with you. Read along!

Wheels Quotes

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You know what the difference between a man and an 18-wheeler is? The driver of an 18-wheeler knows he has his job ahead of him!

You know what the difference between a man and an 18-wheeler is?
The driver of an 18-wheeler knows he has his job ahead of him!

You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands. For example, if they're gripping the steering wheel of a Jeep, you should either marry her or run.

You can tell a lot about a woman by her hands. For example, if they’re gripping the steering wheel of a Jeep, you should either marry her or run.

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Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

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