Some people tend to attract trouble wherever they go. They may not intentionally do or say something, but trouble will still be drawn to them.
They may find themselves carrying something they didn't know was illegal in that place. They could even say or do something innocently without knowing that it's wrong to do it there.
There is always that person in any group of friends that will either attract trouble effortlessly. Or, they're friends with trouble and they intentionally do things that bring them trouble.
These people tend to be more adventurous than everyone else. They are always ready and willing to try out new things, do things that no one else would rather do, or speak up even when everyone is scared to.
They are not afraid of crossing boundaries or doing things out of the norm. And this is always a perfect way of attracting trouble. Trouble can put someone in uncomfortable situations.
It can be embarrassing, and humiliating, and can even bring loss. One could lose other people's respect when they get in trouble. They could also lose things like jobs, money, or even freedom if they are taken to jail.
Trouble brings with it problems and regrets. One will find themselves wishing they hadn't said or done whatever got them into trouble in the first place. It will take away their peace of mind and sometimes even happiness.
So the best way is usually to simply stay out of trouble. If you don't want the negative effects that trouble brings about, don't get into trouble in the first place.
Do what's right, follow the rules, and don't be too quick to step on other people's toes. Although it can be fun getting in trouble sometimes, the consequences of trouble could outweigh the fun. Here are trouble quotes to keep you grounded and disciplined.