A strong person once said that better days lay ahead. This is true, no matter how hard it is to see when you feel like you have hit rock bottom. You are always stronger than you know until you face a hardship that awakens the fighter in you.
When life decides to serve you lemons, it doesn't joke around. But what do you do with the lemons? Would you rather squeeze the juice in your eyes to have a good old painful cry, or would you rather collect all those lemon pieces and make one fantastic lemonade cocktail?
The truth is that you will never be faced with mountains you cannot conquer. Whenever you come across a mountain in your life, it's because you can overcome it. Fate is very strategic. It places everything you need in your path to grow you into the person you should be and sail you to your destiny.
You are facing that mountain because you are strong enough to beat it. And believe it or not, all the successful people we see around, from the likes of Bill Gates to Oprah Winfrey, all face mountains. Everyone struggles at some point, but it is their strength, resilience, and determination that pulls them through.
Whenever you are feeling low and disheartened, remember that you are not alone. Everyone is facing a struggle, but your strength is enough to carry you through. You can do it, and you will do it because you are not just anyone. You are a conqueror, a strong warrior.
Believe in yourself, push through, and watch the mountain move to let you pass by. Our carefully selected 'strength' quotes will encourage and show you that although life doesn't get any easier, we always get stronger!