LG's slogan ‘Life's Good' is like a breath of fresh air. It hits the right notes because, really, life is good. If it weren't, we'd all be on the queue for the next train to Heaven, hell, non-existence, purgatory, or ghostville, whichever you prefer.
There is so much good in the world that all the bad in it cannot compare. People are readily giving to those in need, others are saving the environment, and others are opening doors open for those behind them. It's all in the little things that add up to a lot.
Some people choose to dwell on only the bad. This kind of negativity can drain you very quickly. Dwelling on bad things that are happening or that happened to you only draws more of that to you. You attract more of what you dwell on.
That's why you will find yourself going through a particular bad experience that you have been through before. If you keep thinking about it, you relive it in your mind.
And remember, thoughts become a reality. The same thing going through your mind comes to happen even if it's already happened before. It's always better to think of good things.
Try to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Think of things that make you feel good, happy to be alive, and those that leave you grateful for life.
Choose always to do good and be part of the good in this world. Be the reason someone smiles. Whatever good you do always comes back to you, even when you do it expecting nothing in return.
The universe brings it back to you in another way. This makes it a win-win for you and the person you did it for. Without further ado, here are our favorite good quotes to inspire your angelic side!