29 Explanation Quotes To Understand Things In Life


Has someone ever given you an explanation that sounded so dumb that you wondered how dumb they thought you were? People are full of surprises, and the things that come from their mouths can be even more surprising.

When someone wants to convince you, they can give you all sorts of explanations. If someone sees the need to provide a rather long and complicated explanation, it's because of two things.

One is because they are lying, and two is because they are not good communicators. People feel the need to give more information if they are lying about something. This makes them feel like their story will be more convincing, and you'll accept it.

They may give long explanations about how they had to do something else, and that's why they couldn't make it. Long stories sound more convincing than short remarks.

An explanation about how their dog got hit by a car, the vet had to do emergency surgery, and they needed a recovery period of two weeks would sound more believable than ‘I was busy.'

If someone is somewhat antisocial and lacks good social or communication skills, they may have rather long explanations if they let you down. They may give you too much information trying to tell you why something happened the way it did.

If you constantly need to explain yourself, that's not right. Ask yourself why you feel that way. Do the people around you not trust you enough? Do you try to please people more than you should?

You are free to be yourself and do things without having to explain yourself. Self-confidence removes the need of having to convince others that you had to say and do this because of a particular reason. This collection of explanation quotes will inspire you to explain yourself less.

Explanation Quotes

Principal: I've allowed that color, but I don't remember saying you could have long hair. Have it cut by tomorrow. Ayame Sohma: But Principal... Principal: No! Rules are made to be followed. I'll call the head of your family... Ayame Sohma: I... I come from a royal family. Principal: Huh? Ayame Sohma: I've been hiding it until now, but there's a country to which I must return. Principal: Wh-what? Ayame Sohma: If you must know, my hair has to be long because... it is said that the first king, the honorable Rurubara-sama, received a message when he reached the age of four. It was from Kandora-sama, who illumines the four directions with gold and red light. When Kandora-sama chanted "Ma Rudu Mani," his forehead shone with a blue light and, like a pony struck by a whip, Rurubara-sama's honorable person was liberated. With a wave of warm compassion, like trees that bend in a light breeze, his supple tresses grew... Now, meanwhile, Kashiparuu-sama was in his chambers sleeping peacefully, like a flower waiting to bud, and he gave voice to the pain that was in his heart, "Kampaniiru...!!" "Kampaniiru", in the tongue of my people, means, "Come forth, ocean of God's power; go forth, veneration!" Principal: Uh, errr, um, just - I'm sorry, but I have to go meet with some- Ayame Sohma: I'm not done explaining about Kandora-sama. Principal: THAT'S OKAY!! YOU CAN HAVE LONG HAIR!!!

Principal: I’ve allowed that color, but I don’t remember saying you could have long hair. Have it cut by tomorrow.
Ayame Sohma: But Principal…
Principal: No! Rules

Shigure, Kyo and I will be going to the main house tonight. I'm sorry. I really should've explained earlier. It's sort of a Sohma family tradition. I, uh... I guess it was just such an obvious thing to us that we'd be going that we completely forgot to mention it.

Shigure, Kyo and I will be going to the main house tonight. I’m sorry. I really should’ve explained earlier. It’s sort of a Sohma family

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Tohru Honda: Um... why did... why did she transform? I-I mean when she's a girl... um... Ritsu Sohma: Blood! Blood! Yuki Sohma: Miss Honda! Tohru Honda: Um... what just happened...?

Tohru Honda: Um… why did… why did she transform? I-I mean when she’s a girl… um…
Ritsu Sohma: Blood! Blood!
Yuki Sohma: Miss Honda!
Tohru Honda: Um… what

Why don't we go back out there and tell them what happened? Because nothing happened except that everybody has been driven insane and stupid by life. In this society there are only two things that count: don't be caught without money and don't get caught high on any kind of high.

Why don’t we go back out there and tell them what happened?

Because nothing happened except that everybody has been driven insane and stupid by life. In this society there are only two things that count: don’t be caught without money and don’t get caught high on any kind of high.

And I agreed, but still, she owed us an explanation. If she was up there, down there, out there, somewhere, maybe she would laugh.

And I agreed, but still, she owed us an explanation. If she was up there, down there, out there, somewhere, maybe she would laugh.

God's got a lot of explaining to do. Of course, God never explains. When life breaks your heart, you're just supposed to pick up the pieces and start all over, I guess.

God’s got a lot of explaining to do. Of course, God never explains. When life breaks your heart, you’re just supposed to pick up the pieces and start all over, I guess.

Starting over requires no explanation to anyone, requires no specific date, requires nothing more than you saying IT’S TIME.

Starting over requires no explanation to anyone, requires no specific date, requires nothing more than you saying IT’S TIME.

The Colonel explained to me that 1. this was Alaska's room, and that 2. she had a single room because the girl who was supposed to be her roommate got kicked out at the end of last year, and that 3. Alaska had cigarettes, although the Colonel neglected to ask whether 4. I smoked, which 5. I didn't.

The Colonel explained to me that 1. this was Alaska’s room, and that 2. she had a single room because the girl who was supposed to be her roommate got kicked out at the end of last year, and that 3. Alaska had cigarettes, although the Colonel neglected to ask whether 4. I smoked, which 5. I didn’t.

There are times you will be given intuition, you just know something, and you can't explain it. Don't override it. Don't talk yourself out of it. That's the Creator giving you inside information.

There are times you will be given intuition, you just know something, and you can’t explain it. Don’t override it. Don’t talk yourself out of it. That’s the Creator giving you inside information.

A God capable of continuously monitoring and controlling the individual status of every particle in the universe cannot be simple. His existence is going to need a mammoth explanation in its own right.

A God capable of continuously monitoring and controlling the individual status of every particle in the universe cannot be simple. His existence is going to need a mammoth explanation in its own right.

God's purpose in creation was to let us prove ourselves. The plan was explained to us in the spirit world before we were born. We were valiant enough there to qualify for the opportunity to choose against temptation here to prepare for eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.

God’s purpose in creation was to let us prove ourselves. The plan was explained to us in the spirit world before we were born. We were valiant enough there to qualify for the opportunity to choose against temptation here to prepare for eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.

Trautman: The Kremlin's got a hell of a sense of humor. Zaysen: Please explain. Trautman: You talk peace and disarmament. And here you are wiping out a race of people!

Trautman: The Kremlin’s got a hell of a sense of humor.
Zaysen: Please explain.
Trautman: You talk peace and disarmament. And here you are wiping out a race of people!

'Insomnia is different,' I said. It was hard to explain this to people. 'You know the light that comes on when you open the refrigerator door? Just imagine it stays on all the time, even after you close the door. That's what it's like in my head. The light stays on.'

‘Insomnia is different,’ I said. It was hard to explain this to people. ‘You know the light that comes on when you open the refrigerator door? Just imagine it stays on all the time, even after you close the door. That’s what it’s like in my head. The light stays on.’

There is something explainable about what man has accomplished in God's creation, while the creation itself remains a mystery.

There is something explainable about what man has accomplished in God’s creation, while the creation itself remains a mystery.

The average cooking in the average hotel for the average Englishman explains to a large extent the English bleakness and taciturnity. Nobody can beam and warble while chewing pressed beef smeared with diabolical mustard. Nobody can exult aloud while ungluing from his teeth a quivering tapioca pudding.

The average cooking in the average hotel for the average Englishman explains to a large extent the English bleakness and taciturnity. Nobody can beam and warble while chewing pressed beef smeared with diabolical mustard. Nobody can exult aloud while ungluing from his teeth a quivering tapioca pudding.

I thinke it not amisse to forewarne you that you thrust as few wordes of many sillables into your verse as may be: and hereunto I might alledge many reasons: first the most auncient English wordes are of one sillable, so that the more monasyllables that you use, the truer Englishman you shall seeme, and the lesse you shall smell of the Inkehorne.

I thinke it not amisse to forewarne you that you thrust as few wordes of many sillables into your verse as may be: and hereunto I might alledge many reasons: first the most auncient English wordes are of one sillable, so that the more monasyllables that you use, the truer Englishman you shall seeme, and the lesse you shall smell of the Inkehorne.

About the contents of this page

Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

Schenley designed exclusive images for the quotes.

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