39 Thought-provoking Dislike Quotes You Need In Life


In life, you will have things you deeply like and those that you immensely dislike. There will be people you will instantly be drawn to and others that will effortlessly repulse you.

So don't be surprised when there are people who will dislike the things you like and those who will like the things you dislike. It has been said that one man's treasure is another man's trash.

However, it gets deep when people dislike you as a person. People will dislike you for varying reasons. Maybe they feel threatened by you, you have something they wish they had, or they just don't vibe with your personality.

How do you cope with people who dislike you and don't care to hide it? Does it lower your self-esteem or do you brush it off? Learn early to cope with such people because you will meet them in life.

Not everyone you meet will fall in love with you and that's okay. You too will not like everyone you meet. What's important is how you handle people that don't like you.

Avoid taking it personally. You can be the ripest, juiciest peach but there will still be someone who hates peaches. It may not always be because of how you look, talk, dress, do things, or your personality.

Some people dislike you out of spite. They will dislike you because you don't dislike yourself. It will make them uncomfortable that you have high self-esteem and good things are going on in your life.

But that is not your problem, it's theirs. Keep moving and keep getting better. Spend time with the people who love you unconditionally, and learn to love yourself enough to not be bothered by it.

Here are dislike quotes full of wisdom and inspiration to help you avoid being distracted by every dog that barks at you.

Dislike Quotes

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Kagura Sohma: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, KYO! - A CHOCOLATE HEART STUFFED FULL OF MY LOVE - ALL FOR YOU! Kyo Sohma: Keep it! What man in his right mind would eat that girly, sugary crap? Kagura Sohma: I'm sorry, but... do you... do you really not like chocolate, Kyo? Kyo Sohma: No! I hate it! Kagura Sohma: Shut up and eat it! Did you hear me? I said eat it, damn you! Kyo Sohma: No means no, woman! Kagura Sohma: Eat it! Kyo Sohma: No! Kagura Sohma: Eat! Kyo Sohma: Never! Kagura Sohma: Eat it! Kyo Sohma: You'll have to kill me first! Kagura Sohma: I'm starting to get angry! Kyo Sohma: No!

Kyo Sohma: Keep it! What man in

Crap. I’m scared. I want to run away. I want to run away so badly…but still, I want to change, is what I thought. I’ve never felt this way before. I can’t stand the way I am. I want to change.

Crap. I’m scared. I want to run away. I want to run away so badly…but still, I want to change, is what I thought. I’ve never felt this way before. I can’t stand the way I am. I want to change.

I didn't want to be a loser, but I didn't want to fit in at the same time because I don't like just being ordinary. So it's one of those situations where I always kept my head up.

I didn’t want to be a loser, but I didn’t want to fit in at the same time because I don’t like just being ordinary. So it’s one of those situations where I always kept my head up.

Gabrielle: I need to ask you a question. Manuel: Of course. Gabrielle: Why did you leave us? I'm just trying to understand why you would just go like that. Manuel: Okay. Because one day, I looked at your mother and you, and realized you both didn't mean anything to me anymore. I know it's hard to understand. But I wasted time being with you and her. And she f**king dies and leaves me with you, who I never wanted. Any more questions? You don't need to come back.

Gabrielle: I need to ask you a question.
Manuel: Of course.
Gabrielle: Why did you leave us? I’m just trying to understand why you would just go like that.
Manuel: Okay. Because one day, I looked at your mother and you, and realized you both didn’t mean anything to me anymore. I know it’s hard to understand. But I wasted time being with you and her. And she f**king dies and leaves me with you, who I never wanted. Any more questions? You don’t need to come back.

In a sense, as much as I disliked it, education helped when you were looking at a menu or for a job, especially when you were looking at a menu.

In a sense, as much as I disliked it, education helped when you were looking at a menu or for a job, especially when you were looking at a menu.

I disliked them all immediately, sitting around acting clever and superior. They nullified each other. The worst thing for a writer is to know another writer, and worse than that, to know a number of writers. Like flies on the same turd.

I disliked them all immediately, sitting around acting clever and superior. They nullified each other. The worst thing for a writer is to know another writer, and worse than that, to know a number of writers. Like flies on the same turd.

Generally, I decided, it was better to wait, if you had any feeling for the individual. If you hated her right off, it was better to fuck her right off; if you didn't, it was better to wait, then fuck her and hate her later on.

Generally, I decided, it was better to wait, if you had any feeling for the individual. If you hated her right off, it was better to fuck her right off; if you didn’t, it was better to wait, then fuck her and hate her later on.

It was worse than the Duct Tape Incident, because I already knew that the Kevin Richmans of the world didn't like me. But my teachers had always been card-carrying members of the Miles Halter Fan Club.

It was worse than the Duct Tape Incident, because I already knew that the Kevin Richmans of the world didn’t like me. But my teachers had always been card-carrying members of the Miles Halter Fan Club.

Unfortunately for the Culver Creek Nothings, we weren't playing the deaf-and-blind school. We were playing some Christian school from downtown Birmingham, a team stocked with huge, gargantuan apemen with thick beards and a strong distaste for turning the other cheek.

Unfortunately for the Culver Creek Nothings, we weren’t playing the deaf-and-blind school. We were playing some Christian school from downtown Birmingham, a team stocked with huge, gargantuan apemen with thick beards and a strong distaste for turning the other cheek.

Takumi shook his head, his hands pushing aside leaves to dig into the still-wet dirt beneath. “I just don’t get why she’d be so afraid of getting expelled. I’d hate to get expelled, but you have to take your lumps. I don’t get it.” “Well, she obviously doesn’t like home.” “True. She only goes home over Christmas and the summer, when Jake is there. But whatever. I don’t like home, either.”

Takumi shook his head, his hands pushing aside leaves to dig into the still-wet dirt beneath. “I just don’t get why she’d be so afraid of getting expelled. I’d hate to get expelled, but you have to take your lumps. I don’t get it.”

“Well, she obviously doesn’t like home.”

“True. She only goes home over Christmas and the summer, when Jake is there. But whatever. I don’t like home, either.”

You don't like New Years Eve? Are you insane? It's literally the best holiday ever. You just party all night and it doesn't matter what stupid stuff you do because the year's over and you get a brand new start in the morning.

You don’t like New Years Eve? Are you insane? It’s literally the best holiday ever. You just party all night and it doesn’t matter what stupid stuff you do because the year’s over and you get a brand new start in the morning.

Teasle: “For a colonel, the way you’re talking, you don’t seem to like the military very much.” Trautman: “Of course I don’t. Who in his right mind would?”

Teasle: “For a colonel, the way you’re talking, you don’t seem to like the military very much.”
Trautman: “Of course I don’t. Who in his right mind would?”

Lewis: One man and a kid? You've got to be fucking joking! This all the rebels they put up? Reese: I'm not liking it. En-Joo: You're in the jungle, pus-nuts. There's nothing to like.

Lewis: One man and a kid? You’ve got to be fucking joking! This all the rebels they put up?
Reese: I’m not liking it.
En-Joo: You’re in the jungle, pus-nuts. There’s nothing to like.

En-Joo: Hey! Knock that shit off! Reese: En-Joo don't like the arts? Diaz: En-Joo don't like shit. En-Joo: I like your sister, Diaz. Diaz: She's got a thing for retards.

En-Joo: Hey! Knock that shit off!
Reese: En-Joo don’t like the arts?
Diaz: En-Joo don’t like shit.
En-Joo: I like your sister, Diaz.
Diaz: She’s got a thing for retards.

We all sat there and looked at each other and didn't look at each other. We chewed gum, drank coffee, went into restrooms, urinated, slept. We sat on the hard benches and smoked cigarettes we didn't want to smoke. We looked at each other and didn't like what we saw.

We all sat there and looked at each other and didn’t look at each other. We chewed gum, drank coffee, went into restrooms, urinated, slept. We sat on the hard benches and smoked cigarettes we didn’t want to smoke. We looked at each other and didn’t like what we saw.

"Are you sick now?" "No." "Then what's wrong?" "I don't like people." "Do you think that's right?" "Probably not."

“Are you sick now?”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“I don’t like people.”
“Do you think that’s right?”
“Probably not.”

“Have you ever been in love?” “Love is for real people.” “You sound real.” “I dislike real people.” “You dislike them?” “I hate them.”

“Have you ever been in love?”
“Love is for real people.”
“You sound real.”
“I dislike real people.”
“You dislike them?”
“I hate them.”

I do not like the human race. I don't like their heads, I don't like their faces, I don't like their feet, I don't like their conversations, I don't like their hairdos, I don't like their automobiles.

I do not like the human race. I don’t like their heads, I don’t like their faces, I don’t like their feet, I don’t like their conversations, I don’t like their hairdos, I don’t like their automobiles.

In America, people f**king hate soccer, and honestly, that's the way it should be. You kinda like soccer? I'm gonna pretend you didn't just make my dick go soft. Yeah, no, it's totally soft. I feel like it's just gone back inside of me with that [like], No, don't talk about soccer.

In America, people f**king hate soccer, and honestly, that’s the way it should be. You kinda like soccer? I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just make my dick go soft. Yeah, no, it’s totally soft. I feel like it’s just gone back inside of me with that [like], No, don’t talk about soccer.

About the contents of this page

Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

Schenley designed exclusive images for the quotes.

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