In Pablo Picasso's great words, ‘every act of creation is first an act of destruction.' Many times, something has to be ruined for something else to exist. It doesn't have to be as drastic as a tsunami carrying away a town.
Creation could be as small as a crayon gradually ending as you color drawings. The crayon is used up in the process, but you create something beautiful. The old has to give way and space for the new to exist. That's a form of creation.
Other times creation comes from nothing other than the imagination. A great example is the creation story in the Bible. God created everything in the world, apart from man, out of nothing but by word of mouth.
He would give commands like ‘let there be light,' and light would appear, or ‘let there be vegetation,' and there would be trees and plants. This kind of creation by word of mouth still happens today, but not in that sense.
A good example is when forming a group. Word of mouth is all that's needed to get people to come together and create the team.
You can also create your own opportunities instead of waiting for opportunities to find you. People usually just sit and wait for a vacancy to pop up to apply for a job. Instead, one can create their own opportunities.
There are many ways of doing that, thanks to the viral growth of social media platforms and all the knowledge easily found on the internet about doing anything.
Creation is a process, and everyone has the power to create whatever they set their mind to. It can be themselves, a piece of art, a team, or an idea. These creation quotes will give you more insight into creation as a whole.