Now look, she said, stretched out on the bed, I don’t want anything personal, let’s just do it, I don’t want to get involved, got it? She kicked off her high-heeled shoes… Sure, he said, standing there, let’s just pretend that we’ve already done it, there’s nothing less involved than that, is there? What the hell do you mean? She asked. I mean, he said, I’d rather drink anyhow. And he poured himself one. It was a lousy night in Vegas and he walked to the window and looked out at the dumb lights. You a fag? She asked, you a god damned fag? No, he said. You don’t have to get shitty...

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Now look, she said, stretched out on the bed, I don’t want anything personal, let’s just do it, I don’t want to get involved, got it? She kicked off her high-heeled shoes… Sure, he said, standing there, let’s just pretend that we’ve already done it, there’s nothing less involved than that, is there? What the hell do you mean? She asked. I mean, he said, I’d rather drink anyhow. And he poured himself one. It was a lousy night in Vegas and he walked to the window and looked out at the dumb lights. You a fag? She asked, you a god damned fag? No, he said. You don’t have to get shitty...

You Get So Alone at Times That it Just Makes Sense

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