Everywhere, Everywhere amazing, how grimly we hold onto our misery, ever defensive, thwarted by the forces. amazing, the energy we burn fueling our anger. amazing, how one moment we can be snarling like a beast, then a few moments later, forgetting what or why. not hours of this or days or months or years of this but decades, lifetimes completely use up, given over to the prettiest rancor and hatred. finally there is nothing here for death to take away.

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Everywhere, Everywhere

amazing, how grimly we hold onto our
ever defensive, thwarted by
the forces.
amazing, the energy we burn
fueling our anger.
amazing, how one moment we can be
snarling like a beast, then
a few moments later,
forgetting what or

not hours of this or days or
months or years of this
but decades,
completely use up,
given over
to the prettiest
rancor and

there is nothing here for death to

What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

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