But, that’s not what I want. And I say f**k what these people want. I made a lot of mistakes on my return to super stardom. I screwed alotta pooches—I f*cked alotta folks. I labored for far too long for lesser men. I used my God given abilities to destroy men’s lives. I betrayed good people. I ruthlessly stepped upon the weak and the strong, I turned ’em into my slaves. Even the fiercest of warriors was nothing to me—powerless. I was absolutely terrible to everybody in my f*ckin’ life including everyone I worked with, everyone I lived with, my friends, my family. I was horrendous.

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But, that’s not what I want. And I say f**k what these people want. I made a lot of mistakes on my return to super stardom. I screwed alotta pooches—I f*cked alotta folks. I labored for far too long for lesser men. I used my God given abilities to destroy men’s lives. I betrayed good people. I ruthlessly stepped upon the weak and the strong, I turned ’em into my slaves. Even the fiercest of warriors was nothing to me—powerless. I was absolutely terrible to everybody in my f*ckin’ life including everyone I worked with, everyone I lived with, my friends, my family. I was horrendous.

Eastbound & Down

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