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Did you ever consider that lsd and color tv arrived for our consumption about the same time? Here comes all this explorative color pounding, and what do we do? We outlaw one and fuck up the other. T.V., of course, is useless in present hands; there’s not much of a hell of an argument here. And I read where in a recent raid it was alleged that an agent caught a container of acid in the face, hurled by alleged manufacturer of a hallucinogenic drug. This is also a kind of a waste. There are some basic grounds for outlawing lsd, dmt, stp – it can take a man permanently out of his mind – but so can picking beets, or turning bolts for GM, or washing dishes or teaching English I at one of the local universities. If we outlawed everything that drove men mad, the whole social structure would drop out – marriage, the war, bus service, slaughterhouses, beekeeping, surgery, anything you can name. Anything can drive men mad because society is built on false stilts. Until we knock the whole bottom out and rebuild, the madhouses will remain overlooked.
― Charles Bukowski Tweet