Fear he walks up to my Volks after I have parked and rocks it back and forth grinning around his cigar. “hey, Hank, I notice all the women around your place lately … good looking stuff; you’re doing all right.” “Sam,” I say, “that’s not true; I am one of God’s most lonely men.” “we got some nice girls at the parlor, you oughta try some of them.” “I’m afraid of those places, Sam, I can’t walk into them.” “I’ll send you a girl then, real nice stuff.” “Sam, don’t send me a whore, I always fall in love with whores.” “o.k. friend,” he says, “let me know if you change your mind.” I watch him walk away. some men are always on top of their game. I am mostly always confused. he can break a man in half and doesn’t know who Mozart is. who wants to listen to music anyhow on a rainy Wednesday night?

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he walks up to my Volks
after I have parked
and rocks it back and forth
grinning around his cigar.

“hey, Hank, I notice
all the women around your
place lately … good looking
stuff; you’re doing all right.”

“Sam,” I say, “that’s not
true; I am one of God’s most
lonely men.”

“we got some nice girls at
the parlor, you oughta try
some of them.”

“I’m afraid of those places,
Sam, I can’t walk into them.”

“I’ll send you a girl then,
real nice stuff.”

“Sam, don’t send me a whore,
I always fall in love with whores.”

“o.k. friend,” he says,
“let me know if you change your mind.”

I watch him walk away.
some men are always on
top of their game.
I am mostly always

he can break a man
in half
and doesn’t know who
Mozart is.

who wants to listen
to music
on a rainy Wednesday

Love Is a Dog from Hell

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By the same Author:

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