Let’s face it, guys, after midnight, this whole f**king place turns into a pumpkin, and you guys all turn back into mice. This is a classic Cinderella tale here. You know, Peter Pan will no longer be a man, he’ll turn into a real boy. George Washington will never be able to cut down the beanstalk. You guys will eventually just go back to bein’ the shittiest Mexican baseball team in Mexico.

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Let’s face it, guys, after midnight, this whole f**king place turns into a pumpkin, and you guys all turn back into mice. This is a classic Cinderella tale here. You know, Peter Pan will no longer be a man, he’ll turn into a real boy. George Washington will never be able to cut down the beanstalk. You guys will eventually just go back to bein’ the shittiest Mexican baseball team in Mexico.

Eastbound & Down

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