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What should I do? I hate this. I don’t want to die like this. I don’t want to die! Tohru…she’ll be all on her own. I can’t leave her. We can’t part like this. What’s going to happen to her if I’m not there? She just started high school…she’s still a child. She…she’s still…Katsuya. I understand now. Leaving someone behind, being left behind…both of them are heartbreaking, aren’t they? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Tohru. You at least knew I loved you, right? Tohru…I wanted to love you even more. Hey…somebody…anybody, please…protect that girl. She’s not very good at crying for herself, but even so, if she does cry, you have to stay with her. Somebody, please…hey, somebody…She’s my treasure. Protect her…somebody…anybody…
― Kyoko Honda Tweet
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