The only way from here is up, not downward, and not sideways. You have dreams and ambitions. You have set goals and targets. So why let yourself be distracted?
Distractions are all around us. They try to take away your concentration and focus from the things you want. Distractions come in many forms.
It could be that relationship you spend a lot of time trying to hold together. Maybe it's a friend who is always asking you to go and hang out. Or it could be a destructive activity you keep doing.
Whatever it is, it's time to start saying no. Stop looking sideways because that's only slowing you down. Avoid looking down because that's where you are coming from.
Start looking up. Look at where you are going. See your dreams clearly before you. Be sure of what you want and set out to get it no matter what.
You are only going up now and you need to know that the higher you go, the harder it becomes. The top is lonely, because not everyone can handle the climb.
Climbing up is challenging and it's only something that few people are prepared for. Would you rather give up somewhere in the middle or do everything it takes to get to the top?
Getting up there is determined by how much you really want it. You will fall sometimes, you will have days it all seems hopeless, you will cry, you will be disappointed, and you will want to give up.
But you should never quit on the process. Remember it's darkest before dawn. So hold on tight even when it gets tough. Keep going and let your resilience take you there.
Here are up quotes to inspire you and help you rise higher than you ever dreamt of in your wildest dreams. Read on.