A seeker never stops until they find what they are looking for. What is it that you are seeking? Is it love? More money? A promotion? A new life in a new place? Happiness? Peace of mind? Marriage? Loyal friends?
The truth is, we are all after something. Everyone wakes up in the morning and goes to bed with something on their mind. We yearn and crave for different things. Our dreams and hopes vary greatly.
Something that you are wishing for is something that someone else already has but it doesn't mean much to them. It could also be something that someone else could never be caught thinking about. But you should never be ashamed of what your heart deeply yearns for.
You are allowed to want what you want and to seek it until you find it, as long as it's legal and ethical. Some cravings are not right by the law and those are the ones you should not entertain or go out to seek unless you want to be caught at some point.
However, whatever is right, that you can seek. Don't be intimidated by how far away it is or how big that dream looks. Always keep in mind that a seeker never stops. And if they stop, they have found what they were seeking.
You are a true seeker. Don't allow anything to get in your way. Don't become a quitter and another statistic that just gave up. Keep seeking. Keep waking up and going after it. And even when the day ends and you are not yet there, remember that there is tomorrow.
Tomorrow you will wake up and walk even closer to the dream than you did today. These seeking quotes remind you that you will get there as long as you keep seeking and don't stop.