26 Rough Quotes To Strengthen You When Times Get Tough


Johnny Cash said that life is rough, so you have to be tough. Not all the roads you will walk on will be smoothly tarmacked. Some roads will be bumpy, rough, and long. So what do you do when you find yourself on the rough tracks?

Rough patches in life will not always warn you that they are on the way. You simply end up walking on a rough patch that you were not prepared for. In times like that, nothing seems to be going right. It looks like everything just flipped on you and turned upside down.

Your plan is thrown out of the way and you don't know how to take the next step. Maybe you wanted to do something big with your life, maybe you were thinking of starting something, or maybe things were going on so well, that you thought nothing could go wrong.

Then suddenly, an obstacle cropped out of nowhere and everything fell apart. It feels like you cannot get everything back in place or even keep going. It looks like the situation is hopeless and helpless. But you need to remember that the journey of life is not a smooth one.

The road is full of bumps, potholes, sharp ends, and rough edges. All these flaws along the way help you appreciate the good things you already have and those you are going to get as you move along.

Embrace the roughness because that way, you will be able to see the good side of things. When the going becomes rough, there are always lessons for you to learn, strength for you to gain, and better times ahead waiting for you.

Here are rough quotes to encourage, motivate, and give you resilience to overcome the hard times when they come knocking. Read on!

Rough Quotes

You might be going through a rough patch of your life, but it is just a chapter of your book, it is not the whole story and I know you have the most beautiful happy ending waiting for you. So keep your head up and keep on smiling.

You might be going through a rough patch of your life, but it is just a chapter of your book, it is not the whole story and I know you have the most beautiful happy ending waiting for you. So keep your head up and keep on smiling.

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...and we're just chatting and then I'm in the middle of a sentence about analogies or something and like a hawk he reaches down and he honks my boob. HONK. A much-too-firm, two- to three-second HONK. And the first thing I thought was Okay, how do I extricate this claw from my boob before it leaves permanent marks? and the second thing I thought was God, I can't wait to tell Takumi and the Colonel.

…and we’re just chatting and then I’m in the middle of a sentence about analogies or something and like a hawk he reaches down and he honks my boob. HONK. A much-too-firm, two- to three-second HONK. And the first thing I thought was Okay, how do I extricate this claw from my boob before it leaves permanent marks? and the second thing I thought was God, I can’t wait to tell Takumi and the Colonel.

In a Jeep, you get the full service to the senses. Howl of tires, leaks in the soft top, the bumps and grinds, the never-ending uncertainty of actually making it there. Oh boy, this is a Jeep.

In a Jeep, you get the full service to the senses. Howl of tires, leaks in the soft top, the bumps and grinds, the never-ending uncertainty of actually making it there. Oh boy, this is a Jeep.

Karen: Oh my god, you guys. Heath is here. What should I do? Tori: Karen, I don't understand what you see in him. He's an out-of-work actor living in a share house. And he drives a 3 Series BMW. Karen: Tori, I really think that you need to cut Heath a little bit of slack. His aunt died three years ago and he really needs new headshots. He's just going through a really rough time right now. Okay?

Karen: Oh my god, you guys. Heath is here. What should I do?
Tori: Karen, I don’t understand what you see in him. He’s an out-of-work actor living in a share house. And he drives a 3 Series BMW.
Karen: Tori, I really think that you need to cut Heath a little bit of slack. His aunt died three years ago and he really needs new headshots. He’s just going through a really rough time right now. Okay?

About the contents of this page

Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

Schenley designed exclusive images for the quotes.

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