Just how much are you determined to succeed? Whether it's in your career, business, marriage, parenthood, or your goals? Are you determined to achieve what you want regardless of what comes your way?
It's easy to say yes to that question. To talk about how you are prepared to do anything to make it or how you are ready to walk miles until you are successful. However, it's always easier said than done. You may feel ready to do anything regardless of what happens, but will you do it when the time comes?
Are you ready for sleepless nights, early mornings, frustrations, failing, obstacles, being told no, and seeing no other way through? Are you going to keep walking regardless of what you encounter or how hard things get?
Everyone is a warrior until it comes to the actual fight. Not everyone can walk the miles they claimed they could, or make it through the hard paths they vowed to. But you can always choose to stand out from the crowd. Be the person who can go to extreme lengths to get what you want regardless of what happens. After all, that's how you win.
Keep grinding no matter what. Don't throw in the towel and never give in. You can do this, you just have to believe in yourself. So regardless of what you face, what the haters say, how weak you feel, or how much you want to go back, don't. You've got this.
These regardless quotes will not only motivate but also encourage you to keep walking, keep trying, and keep fighting for what you want, regardless of what tries to stop you. Because that's the only way of winning and making it. Remember, a cow never stops drinking water from a river regardless of the frogs croaking next to its nostrils.