Have you ever recognized someone in public only for them to walk right past you even as you tried to make contact? Or maybe you recognized them in a crowd but they flat out ignored you? You feel bad, but you can brush it off. Maybe they didn't recognize you or maybe they didn't want to interact at the moment.
Recognizing something or someone when you are in unfamiliar territory feels good. It gives you a sense of belonging. Just like seeing someone you know when you are in a new place or a foreign country. Or hearing your mother tongue and seeing familiar food in a foreign country.
Sometimes things will happen the other way round and you may not recognize someone who knows you. It then becomes their turn to wonder how you did not recognize them. Were you just ignoring them or do you really not know them?
Far from that, in life generally, it's essential to recognize real from fake. You are bound to come across a lot of fake people and fake things. Be smart enough to recognize one from the other. Realize when something is genuine and when it's just a facade.
Fake tends to mimick real. Many times people are fooled into believing what's fake and ignoring what's real. They'll be carried away by fake friends who give them fake praises and fake love just to get what they want. They will ignore the people who genuinely care about them because they tell them the harsh truth which they don't want to hear.
Learn to recognize real from fake. There is a thin line between the two but the differences are always there. Here are recognize quotes to give you insight while helping you recognize and pick out what you need from what you want.