Parents are our anchor and our first teachers in life. If you have loving parents, then you are very lucky. Take a minute to be grateful for that blessing.
Not everyone comes to the world to a couple of loving parents that love them unconditionally. Some people will have only one of the parents taking up the role of both parents, which is very commendable.
They grow up under the care of only parent and love wondering what it's like to have the missing parent around as well. Maybe the parents divorced, broke up, were never together to begin with, or one passed on.
Some parents practice co-parenting even when they seperate and the child gets to experience the best of both worlds. But not all parents are able to co-parent successfully.
In such scenarios, one parent will do more parenting than the other. This usually affects the relationship of the child with the absent parent.
Some parents stay together even when they are dysfunctional. They opt to sacrifice to keep living together for the sake of their children. They remain in an unloving marriage for years just to raise their children together.
This kind of dynamic also takes a toll on the kids. Loveless marriages have nothing to offer. They are like a dried up tree.
If the dynamic becomes too dysfunctional with factors like an alcoholic or abusive parent, then that affects the children too.
Children growing up in abusive homes tend to be vulnerable, emotionally unstable, and mentally affected.
Generally, parents are the first role models to their children. Children look up to them, try to emulate them, want to make them happy, and will always crave their approval.
These parent quotes remind you that parents are very important in their children's lives and they should act accordingly.