24 Best Options Quotes That Present You With Endless Choices


Life is full of options. The kind of life you decide to live depends on which option you take. Every day you are presented with a clean slate with chances.

You have the chance to change your life if you don't like the way things are now. You have the chance to move up to the next level in life if you are proud of where you are at this point.

You are lucky because life offers you endless possibilities to choose where you want to be, who you want to be, and where you want to be. Everything in your life lies in your hands.

You can choose from all the options ahead of you to create the life you want. You can choose the paths you want to follow, the people you want in your life, and the things you want to do every day when you wake up.

Sometimes your options may not choose you back. It could be the lover you want, a job you have always wanted, a chance you dream of, or an opportunity you wish to get.

That option may choose someone else instead of you. But that shouldn't make you stop there. Just because a door didn't open for you doesn't mean that there isn't another door that will open.

Take the loss, pick your lessons from the experience, and move on to the next opportunity. There are 99 more doors for you if that 1 door didn't budge.

And even if that doesn't work out, move on to the next and keep moving until you find your perfect option that works out for you. Thomas Edison had 1,000 tries with the light bulb before he could get it right.

Here are encouraging options quotes to remind you that you always have more options, keep trying.

Options Quotes

I'm starting to think strength is getting back up after being knocked down, Pushing through even when it is painful, Keeping your head up when you are too tired to hold it up, Seeing success as the only option.

I’m starting to think strength is getting back up after being knocked down, Pushing through even when it is painful, Keeping your head up when

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I felt the fight-or-flight reflex swell up in me over and over again, but I knew that neither fight nor flight had ever worked for me before.

I felt the fight-or-flight reflex swell up in me over and over again, but I knew that neither fight nor flight had ever worked for me before.

Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways. You could think you were starting something afresh, when actually what you were doing was carrying on as before. He had faced his shortcomings and overcome them and so the real business of walking was happening only now.

Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways. You could think you were starting something afresh, when actually what you were doing was carrying on as before. He had faced his shortcomings and overcome them and so the real business of walking was happening only now.

About the contents of this page

Amra conducted research on the quotes with the assistance of Annabele.

Maggie organized the quotes into topics.

Charity wrote the introduction copy.

Schenley designed exclusive images for the quotes.

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