Laughter is the best medicine. A good laugh has the power to heal a lot of hurts. Gently, kindly, and slowly, laughing can help you pick up the broken pieces.
Have you ever wondered why the most embarrassing, horrible, creepy, and weird moments make for the most humorous stories? It's because, in the deepest pain, we can find our healing.
Sometimes you will go through something you wish to forget and hope no one will ever know about it. At that moment, it's a horrible experience that doesn't make sense, and it evokes negative emotions in you.
But after a while, you heal and readily share the story, giving people some good laughs. Apart from instantly uplifting your mood, laughing comes with other good benefits for you.
It relaxes the body, protects the heart, boosts your immune, heals pain, reduces stress, etc. Some people are naturally gifted in making others laugh quite easily.
A simple action or few words from them can make a crowd burst out laughing. That's a special gift. Not everyone has the power to evoke this emotion in people, though some try hard.
Not everyone can be a comedian. And other people will not even try to make others laugh. They will instead be the ultimate killjoy, flipping the mood when everyone is happily laughing.
They may make crude jokes, say something rude, or downright voice sarcastic remarks that instantly change the mood of everyone. No one likes being around these people.
It's hard to know who hurt them, but they will work hard to break the happiness chain for others. Just because they are not happy doesn't mean that others shouldn't be.
No matter how cold-hearted and hard someone is, having a good hearty laugh such that you can't stop is always good. Here are 'laugh quotes' to brighten your mood and day!