One evening in December 1914, a huge fire burned down the plant of Thomas Edison, the legendary American inventor, and businessman.
As the flames hungrily ravaged his vast work, he walked over to his son. Edison asked him to go call his mother and her friends because they'd never see a fire like that again.
He was 67 years old at the time, quite an advanced age. But instead of whining and asking why that had to happen to him, he said that despite his age, ‘I will start all over again tomorrow.'
He didn't show any remorse, disappointment, or frustration. In fact, he went to sleep. The next day he was up and back to the drawing board.
To him, the disaster had great value because it had burned down all his past mistakes. He would start afresh. And sure enough, within three weeks, his plant was up and running.
Thomas Edison ended up being a notably prolific inventor of his time. One of his biggest accomplishments was perfecting the light bulb after trying 10,000 times. He said that he didn't fail 10,000 times but found 10,000 ways it won't work.
And that story right there is the foundation of our 'beginning' quotes. An end always marks a new beginning. When something comes to an end, even in the most devastating way possible, it always paves way for a new start.
Endings can be unexpected and starting over can be daunting. But remember, there's always a reason why it had to end. Your next phase could be the one you have been waiting for your whole life. Maybe that end was a blessing in disguise.
Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. So go ahead, you can do this! We'll cheer you on with our awesomely encouraging beginning quotes. Let's go!