There's a Swahili saying that goes ‘Kizuri chajiuza, kibaya chajitembeza.' That means a good thing sells itself while a bad thing must be advertised.
That's not to throw shade at all the good companies that advertise their products. But you get the point. If something is good enough, it doesn't desperately seek attention.
And this goes for people too. People who know their worth and have high self-esteem know that they don't need to call for attention to get it. They get noticed without even lifting a finger.
They know that they will get their deserved attention whether they are standing at a podium or crouching under the table. Good things don't seek attention; attention seeks them.
However, things are slightly different in the lane of those who don't believe in themselves. People with low self-esteem and insecurities feel the need to constantly seek attention.
They will do anything to bring attention and focus back to themselves. These people are very familiar with drama and are drama queens in most cases.
They will throw tantrums in public, shame others, or make someone else look bad so that the attention can be shifted to them because they are ‘good.'
The more they get attention this way, the more they seek it this way. But people can get bored quite fast, and they have to keep looking for different forms of drawing attention.
What you give attention to grows. Attention means you take your time to acknowledge something. When it comes to attention, just like energy and effort, apply it where it's due.
Give attention to only the things that are meaningful to your life, and you will thank yourself later. The more attention you'll give to worthless things, the more useless things you will attract into your life.
We hope our attention quotes draw your attention in the right direction!