Rambo is an American media franchise with action films centered on the fictional character Rambo. The franchise has five films in the Rambo series so far. The first film, First Blood, was released in 1982. It was adapted from the 1972 novel First Blood by David Morrell.
Starring Sylvester Stallone as Rambo, the movie was a success paving way for the rest of the films. There was Rambo:First Blood Part II (1985), Rambo III (1988), Rambo (2008), and lastly Rambo:Last Blood (2019).
Rambo, the main character in all films, is an army veteran with trauma from fighting in the Vietnam War. But he also has superior military skills that he uses to fight against enemy troops, drug cartels, and corrupt police officers.
The films have been hugely successful grossing $819 million from the whole series. The most successful of the films was Rambo:First Blood Part II grossing $300 million. Apart from films, there have been other successful Rambo ventures.
There is the animated TV series Rambo:The Force of freedom, comic books, novels, a Bollywood remake, and even video games. If you are a Rambo fan feeling nostalgic and looking for Rambo quotes, then you have come to the right place.
Our collection of Rambo quotes will quench your thirst and leave you feeling Rambodrated. Check them out!