There have been many comebacks throughout history: Jesus was dead, but then came back as an all-powerful God zombie; Ryan O'Neal had his ups and downs, but is now back and better than ever. Well, my comeback is almost complete, and I can say that when it is complete, it will shake the pillars of this land or town. My story is the story of a raging Christ figure who tore himself off the cross and looked at the Romans, with blood in his eyes, and said, My turn now, cocksuckers.

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There have been many comebacks throughout history: Jesus was dead, but then came back as an all-powerful God zombie; Ryan O'Neal had his ups and downs, but is now back and better than ever. Well, my comeback is almost complete, and I can say that when it is complete, it will shake the pillars of this land or town. My story is the story of a raging Christ figure who tore himself off the cross and looked at the Romans, with blood in his eyes, and said, My turn now, cocksuckers.

Eastbound & Down

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