Ask anybody out there, and they'll tell you that the foundation of a great baseball player starts with an understanding of some basic fundamentals: running, stretching, physical conditioning. These are the things that prepare your body for the many challenges a baseball player faces. I heard that bullshit thrown at me all my damn life. You know what Kenny Powers says? Fundamentals are the crutch for the talentless. This one coach tried to put me on a weight-training program, and I was all like, You and your weights can f**k off somewhere. I'm not lifting that shit. It's heavy.You tell me why I need strength training when I'm strong enough to throw a goddamn 100-mile-per-hour pitch. f**k that.

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Ask anybody out there, and they'll tell you that the foundation of a great baseball player starts with an understanding of some basic fundamentals: running, stretching, physical conditioning. These are the things that prepare your body for the many challenges a baseball player faces. I heard that bullshit thrown at me all my damn life. You know what Kenny Powers says? Fundamentals are the crutch for the talentless. This one coach tried to put me on a weight-training program, and I was all like, You and your weights can f**k off somewhere. I'm not lifting that shit. It's heavy.You tell me why I need strength training when I'm strong enough to throw a goddamn 100-mile-per-hour pitch. f**k that.

Eastbound & Down

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